Post by abillion

photo shared by @abillion on  09 Jun 2022 - post

Every year almost 640,000 tonnes of lines, nets, and pots are discarded into the oceans. The result? Countless marine lives get trapped in between. These materials are known as ghost nets as they’re invisible to the human eye.

This is a pressing matter, and we’ve joined hands with Sea Shepherd to launch a Ghost net Campaign to raise US$100,000 to clean up the oceans around Sicily in October. Here’s how you can help: make a review of a vegan dish or a product and channel your donation credits to Sea Shepherd, our impact partner. Together, we can make a difference.

#abillion #seashepherd #ghostnet #findyourimpact

joshuaa01 Guys,please follow @johnn and @joshuaa01 4 likesReply
veronicagroen Yay, on it, pledge all my reviews for June to Sea Sheapard!10 likesReply
veronicagroen @makeadifference and @phoebe777 I challenge you2 likesReply
albetty @teoporseo @shynza @veggymitzy @katjuschka @kesidb ...challenge or what? 🤗3 likesReply
misosoup Such an interesting project? There is any chance to join you and giving some help? 6 likesReply
victorg116 Love this. Will for sure contribute to Sea Shepherd!3 likesReply
fulfilling I am joining 🐳🦈🦭🐟2 likesReply
tizianab Love you all. 2 likesReply
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