Olive verdi Bella di Cerignola

by Italiamo
4.30 (18)
  • Is Olive verdi Bella di Cerignola vegan? Yes! Olive verdi Bella di Cerignola is certified vegan by the abillion communityVEGAN

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Most helpful reviews

Adoro letteralmente queste olive verdi! Sono molto buone e sopratutto non sono salate, ansi basta

una passata sotto l'acqua veloce per poi mangiarle. Io le uso per arricchire le mie insalatiera ma mi piacciono molto mangiarle così, come stuzzichini magari! Le consiglio

Sempre da lidl trovo olive grandi, gustose e polpose ad un prezzo molto vantaggioso!

Got these olives from Lidl few weeks ago during the italian week. I can't remember

how much was it but this jar is massive, way bigger than normal olive jars. They're very plumpy and tasty 🌻

I always get these olives when they are available in lidl as they are great

for snacks and in salads, more tasty compared to their potted counterparts. I also like that they come in big, sturdy glass jars that I upcycle as containers for my pantry.

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